The Peruvian Amazon is in great danger of deforestation especially after the construction of the transoceanic road that goes through this rainforest. Current resources fail to adequately control the Peruvian Amazon and protect it from transient farmers and illegal loggers attracted by the great value and accessibility of endangered rainforest trees. The Madre de Dios Amazon REDD Project will dramatically reduce deforestation by increasing surveillance in the rainforest and benefiting local communities.

Following an example of the distribution of your funds when you invest in the Madre de Dios Amazon REDD Project.

Example of Investment: 100.000 VCUs + CCB Gold

Direct benefits of the investment

  • 100.000 tons of CO2 sequestered from the atmosphere
  • 1.610 hectares of Amazon rainforest that will be preserved and not deforested
  • 4.741.214 protected tropical trees in danger of extinction

Specific plans of involvement

  • 22 % of the funds are destined to social plans
  • 25 % of the funds are destined to preserve the Amazonian biodiversity
  • 36 % of the funds are destined to surveillance and monitoring of the project area
  • 17 % of the funds are destined to investigation and international certifications

1. Social plans

The total investment in social plans is distributed in the following manner:

  • 15,5%  destined to the dissemination and socialization of the project, by means of workshops and conferences to transmit the REDD project’s experience to local and regional students (Madre de Dios Amazonian University, Catholic University of Peru, primary and secondary schools in Iñapari, etc.) as well as to the community in general.
  • 36% destined to promote and finance environmentally friendly productive projects to be developed by rural producers and indigenous communities located near the project area as is the case of the Agroideas Project developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • 22,5% destined to building capacity by means of workshops in security, courses and training to members of the nearby communities who are interested in improving their qualifications.
  • 26% destined to social funds. By means of these funds, support is given to the Belgium Native Community (Yine tribe) in the form of donations. The main destiny of these donations are electricity generators, computers, an engine for the community boat for river transportation, health assistance (one nurse that assists them periodically and funds for basic medicines), as well as assistance in specific emergencies such as the flood of the River Acre. Assistance is also given to other nearby communities as San Isidro de Chilinai, Iberia and Iñapari in the construction and repairing of roads, support in the campaigns against dengue, support in emergencies as floods, etc.

2. Preservation of Amazonian biodiversity

The total investment in biodiversity is distributed in the following manner:

  • 48,8% destined to the monitoring of fauna, the dynamics of the Amazonian rainforest, its structure and composition. Special emphasis is made in the monitoring of the natural regeneration capacity of the rainforest and specifically of the trees in danger of extinction as is the case of mahogany and cedar. Also, those high value conservation areas are identified and studied with the objective of preserving them and maintaining them without any type of intervention.
  • 18,4% destined to the enrichment of the Amazonian rainforest through the planting of native species trees in those areas that require it.
  • 32,8% destined to the mitigation of impacts, forbidding hunting activities in the area.

3. Surveillance and monitoring

The total investment in surveillance and monitoring is distributed in the following manner:

  • 12,7% destined to monitoring the existence of potential invasions through satellite images.
  • 45,9% destined to carrying out periodic surveillances both terrestrial and fluvial in the more vulnerable sectors, as well as in 100% of the non-natural borders of the project area. All borders of the area are checked and demarcated and signals are installed (demarcation of borders and prohibition of hunting, fishing, logging, etc.). Many of these activities are coordinated with the Yine tribe, who are the nearest neighbors.
  • 41,4% destined to the mitigation of impacts in nearby communities, that is to say, giving support to avoid possible invasions in their properties.

4. Investigation and international certifications

The total investment in investigation and certification is distributed in the following manner:

  • 35,3% destined to the area of investigation in tropical Amazonian trees and its characteristics.
  • 15% destined to FSC Certification
  • 20% destined to CCB Gold Certification
  • 29,7% destined to VCS Certification