The Madre de Dios Amazon REDD Project has made an agreement of cooperation with the French NGO Planète Urgence. In the framework of said agreement the following projects to support the Yine tribe are being implemented:

Handcrafts Project: the first objective is to help and give capacity building in the handcrafts design working with people knowledgeable in design, fashion, etc. so that the product is more attractive to tourists. The second objective is to work in the identification of sales markets, in the framework of a commercial capacitation with the final aim of creating a commercialization counsel for the sale of traditional handcrafts.

Ecotourism Project: the first step to implement an ecotourism project consists of analyzing the possibilities of implementing it. Once the project is approved, there are different missions to carry out: English capacity building for a guide, training a guide to do a walking trail with tourists, training in accounting to be able to manage the income, training in animation of the trails, training in receiving guests, training in hygiene, etc.

“Shiringa” (Natural Rubber) Project: this project has three main objectives. The first one is to build organization capacity, so as to enhance production. This will imply detecting the present organization problems and offering solutions. The second one is to act as facilitators in the communication between France and the Native Community. The main client for the shiringa is “Piola”, a French manufacturer of eco-shoes and the Yine people will receive advice in terms of communication. The third scope of action is within the business administration, that is to say accounts, time management, etc.

Education Project: education is a priority for children and adults, with the aim of training good leaders for the Community. The Yine tribe has a teacher who visits weekly. Said teacher is receiving an additional salary to the one paid by the Government in the framework of the REDD Project support to the Community. Additionaly, said teacher needs to receive capacity building, organization training, etc. The main reason is due to the fact that groups are very diversified. In the case of adults the priority would be to learn to read.